Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Days 2-3 of this Corset Story

Today I got up and picked back up where I left off with the channels for the boning. I had cut several bones yesterday and today my hands were killing me, glad I split it up. Several of the channels were too narrow so I had to take them out and restitch them, fun fun fun. I learned several things today. First, heavy duty wire clippers are an absolute necessity for clipping boning, and pliers are necessary for the caps. Secondly, don't under estimate the power of plumbers tape, it makes the bones and caps much more flush. Finally plan channel intersections carefully! I have made the most incredible mess on the inside so far with all this sewing and resewing and will have to do the channels very differently as they are quite strong but the opposite of aesthetic.

One of my poorly planned intersections!

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